

Below is a list of the staff currently employed at the school with a brief summary of their main responsibilities;

Staff 2024-25

Mrs. A. D. Best-White:

Executive Headteacher

Executive Headteacher of the Nebula Federation

School administration, finance and premises;
Staff Development and Performance Management;
Responsible for Standards and School Improvement
Professional relationships with the Local Education Authority, the Norwich Diocese, School Governors and all other outside agencies, parents and the local community.

Mrs. N. Pellatt:
Executive Deputy Headteacher
Executive Deputy Headteacher of the Nebula Federation – School Improvement

Mrs. K. Connelly:
Executive Deputy Headteacher
Executive Deputy Headteacher of the Nebula Federation – School Improvement

Management of Old Catton and White Woman Lane Federation
Professional Development Leader
Leader of Assessment and Tracking of pupil progress
Leader of Physical Educational Opportunities

Mr D. Richmond:
Head of School

Responsible for the day-to-day management of the school
Responsible for standards across the school
Pupil Behaviour
Subject Leader for mathematics
Infant to junior transfer
Junior to high transfer
End of KS2 Assessment
Lunchtime behaviour and management of MSA’s

Mrs R. Quiles-Richmond:
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

Teacher in Y3/4

Mrs T. Harewood:
Senior Teacher (Maternity Leave)

Teaching and Learning Leader - Years 5/6
Monitoring pupil behaviour
Subject Leader for English

Mrs H. Shand:
Senior Teacher 

School Improvement Leader for the Nebula Federation
Subject Leader for English
ReadWriteInc. Phonics Manager

Mr R. Queensborough:
Class Teacher Year 6

Subject Leader for STEM and Computing

Mrs A. Semmens-Byrne:
Class Teacher Year 6

Subject Leader for Science

Mr S. Dunn:
Class Teacher Year 6

Subject Leader for History

Mrs A. Hield:
Class Teacher Year 5 (Maternity Leave)

Subject Leader for Art

Mrs E. Gair

Class Teacher Year 5 

Mr J. Savage:
Class Teacher Year 5

Subject Leader for Religious Education

Miss M.Read
Class Teacher Year 5


Miss A. Pardon
Class Teacher Year 4


Miss E. Robson
Class Teacher Year 4

Subject Leader for Geography

Mr M. Gibson:
Senior Teacher – Year 4 Class Teacher

Teaching and Learning Leader – Years 3/4
Monitoring pupil behaviour
Subject Leader for Physical Education including the development of extra-curricular activities and opportunities

Ms L. Bowden
Class Teacher Year 3

Subject Leader for MFL (French)

Mrs E. Peck:
Class Teacher Year 3

Responsible for developing the School Council
Subject Leader for DT

Miss H. Couzens
Class Teacher Year 3

Subject Leader for Music

Miss N Delidjani:

Responsible for the Library

Mrs. E. Williams:
P.E. and Games Teacher

Support Staff:

Mrs. P. Howard Teaching Assistant

Mrs. M. Wicks Teaching Assistant

Mrs H. Plane Teaching Assistant

Mrs C. Peck Teaching Assistant

Mrs. L. Seago Teaching Assistant

Mrs. S. Wagstaff Teaching Assistant

Mr. C. Peberday Teaching Assistant

Mrs. K. Alexander Teaching Assistant

Mrs L. Beavis Teaching Assistant

Mrs K. Pye Teaching Assistant and Librarian

Mrs. S. Johnson Teaching Assistant

Mrs J. Gray Teaching Assistant

Miss C. Denton Teaching Assistant

Mrs C. Doughty Teaching Assistant

Miss C. Jackson Teaching Assistant

Miss B. Barnard, Teaching Assistant

Mr A. Catchpole Teaching Assistant & Minibus Driver

Miss S. Price, Apprentice

Mr J. Rice, Apprentice

Ms E. Cooper, Apprentice


Pastoral Team:

Mrs N. Brown Pastoral Manager 

Miss A. Stackwood Pastoral Assistant

Mrs S. Chapman Pastoral Assistant

Mrs C. Fiddy Play Therapist

School Secretaries:

Mrs. K. Read

Mrs S. Gaffer

Caretaking and Cleaning:

Mr. M. Smith - Federation Caretaker

Mr C. Miller - Assistant Caretaker

Mrs. F. Brown - Cleaner

Mrs S. Bailey

Ms Z. Bye


Mrs. C. Smith - Cook

Midday Supervisory Assistants:

Mrs. M. Cook

Mrs. S. Wagstaff

Mr J. Rice

Mr M. Parsons

Crossing Patrol: Mrs. P. Golder